Stoelting's Mouse/Neonatal Rat Adaptors can be used to transform the Lab Standard (and other U-frame) stereotaxic for rats into an instrument appropriate for use with mouse and rat pup surgeries (Stereotaxic sold seperately). 51625-W - The Mouse and Neonates Adaptor with Warming pad is designed to fit into traditional 'U-frame' stereotaxic instruments so that the stereotaxic can be used with mice or neonatal rats. Adaptors are Warmer Ready. Stoelting adaptors are designed to be integrated with the Stoelting Rodent Warmer System (sold separately) and are used to maintain body temperature throughout surgical procedures. The thermal heating pads are embedded into the adaptor to avoid cross contamination with easy clean-up and maintain a sterile environment during stereotaxic surgery. In addition, it can be used as a general warming system or with a rectal thermal probe (sold separately) for homeothermic regulation. Model organisms with soft skulls, such as the mouse and the neonatal rat, are difficult to secure firmly in a traditional stereotaxic instrument. The stainless steel ear bars used for adult rats are too heavy to provide a secure hold without compressing the sides of the auditory canal into which to insert the ear bars. Stoelting's Mouse and Neonatal Rat Adaptor employs light, Delrin ear bars with tapered points on one end, and rubber tips on the other, to facilitate surgery on mice and rat pups. Ear bars' height can also be independently adjusted in height to easily level the skull. Laser engraved scales show the vertical positions of the ear bars. A tooth bar and nose clamp secures the nose. "Triple point" securing of the animal's head in this adaptor makes it the most versatile mouse adaptor available. Set of two jaw holder cuffs included.